- The first step in preparing your printing order is to obtain a “budget” quote for the cost to print your project. Contact a reputable printing vendor and request a quote and the detailed specifications. Keep in mind that the project may competitively bid by the Purchasing Department at a later date.
Most major printers in the Metro Detroit area have done business with the University, so they will be familiar with Wayne State procurement process. Printers know we are a public institution, and whereever competition exists, we conduct a formal bid. - A detailed, accurate and fully approved Purchase Requisition must be completed in the Banner system. Be sure to type all specifications into the item text. Please include a list of vendors (in the document text of the requisition) you believe can perform the work. This list might include companies who have worked with you in the past. Purchasing may invite additional vendors to bid the work as well.
- Provide as much information in the purchase requisition as you can. If bid document is incomplete (details or specifications missing), this could lead to erroneous bids or printing, the project may need to be re-bid. Significant changes in the bid specifications and/or quantity will also require re-bidding.
- As a general rule, printing jobs estimated at $2,000 and above will be competitively bid.
- Allow at least four weeks for the entire process – initiating, specifying, bid/ordering, and actual print production.
- Should you experience any problems with a vendor/the final product, contact Purchasing. Purchasing will work with you and the Printer to get your project redone if necessary. The University won't tolerate poor quality and workmanship. The better you communicate with Purchasing, the more effectively we can work with vendors to correct and prevent problems.
- Communication is the key. Always inform Purchasing of any print vendor problems.
Senior Buyer Valerie Kreher is the Purchasing contact for printing services. Contact her at 577-3720 or ab4889@wayne.edu.