Cost Savings Report

How much has the University saved through
Procurement's strategic sourcing and other cost savings initiatives??

Procurement measures the dollars saved, using a variety of metrics to establish baseline costs.  A list of strategic sourcing initiatives is available on Procurement's website under Super Savings Opportunities.

The graphs below depict a summary of the cost savings for fiscal years 2015 through 2017 year to date, followed by 2014 & 2015.  As additional savings opportunities arise, Procurement's goal is to produce a measurable $2.5 million in annual savings.

Cost Savings FY 2015 through FY 2017:

Cost Savings 2016

Cost Savings FY 2014 and 2015:

Cost Savings 2015

Should you have ideas on how the University can further leverage it's spend by consolidating commodities with our suppliers, please contact Ken Doherty or any member of our Buying Team.

Procurement & Strategic Sourcing