The following is a list of key suppliers to Wayne State University who have been listed as minority or woman owned businesses.
To be eligible for this website posting, the Vendor must have been issued a University Purchase Order within the last five years, and must not be suspended or debarred.
Being on this list, however, does not qualify as an endorsement by the University. It simply means the company has registered with the University and is in our database.
Last Updated on 5/22/2014
By Pat Wegner
Minority Address Book.xls
If you are a Minority or Woman Owned Business and are interested in doing business with the University, please click on the New Vendor Request link below. An on-line application will appear, which can either be printed and mailed to the University, or submitted electronically. You will be contacted within 30 days of receipt of your application, to discuss potential opportunities to do business with Wayne State University.
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