FY 2014 General Fund Purchase Requisition Deadlines


To:          All University Employees

From:     James Barbret, Associate Vice President for Fiscal Operations and Controller
               Kenneth Doherty, Assistant Vice President, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing

Subject:  FY 2014 General Fund Purchase Requisition, Change Order Request and Procard  Deadlines 

Date:       July 9, 2014

The fiscal year-end close for the year ending September 30, 2014 is rapidly approaching.  This memorandum is the first in a series of correspondence that many of you will receive over the next several months conveying important information about year-end closing procedures, requirements and activities.  This particular memorandum provides information regarding the deadlines for on-line submission and approval of Purchase Requisitions, Change Order Requests (CORs) and certain considerations pertaining to Procard purchases for FY 2014 General Fund transactions. 

FY 2014 General Fund Requisition and COR Transactions

As year-end approaches, timely departmental approvals of WayneBuy on-line Requisitions and CORs are critical to accurate and expedient fiscal year-end processing.  To be reasonably assured that General Fund (indexes beginning with the digit 1) Requisitions (WayneBuy Catalog and non-Catalog reqs.) and CORs (WayneBuy Change Order Request Form) relating to the current fiscal year (October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014) result in posted activity against a unit’s FY 2014 operating budget, it is necessary that all departments and units “submit” WayneBuy Requisitions by Friday, September 12, 2014 and CORs by September 19, 2014Please remember that “submission” involves ensuring that all required on-line departmental approvals including any required special approvals (specific purchasing commodities as noted on Purchasing’s website) occur by Friday, September 12, 2014 for Requisitions and Friday September 22, 2014 for CORs.  To ensure that “in-process” Requisitions are not inadvertently overlooked, all individuals responsible for approving Requisitions and CORs should periodically check their approval queues (WayneBuy Approval Tab) to verify that pending transactions are appropriately approved.  Requisitions and CORs, which do not have all required unit, departmental and special approvals by September 12, 2014 or September 19, 2014, respectively, will be “disapproved” (not be processed as FY 2014 transactions) and returned systemically to the requestor.


As an exception to the above, those Requisitions against enabled vendors which do not require Procurement’s approval can be processed up to September 25, 2014 and will still be encumbered in FY 2014.  Enabled Vendors are those listed at the top of the Home Page of WayneBuy, and include OfficeMax, Fisher, Life Technologies, CDW-G and Dell (standard configurations only).  The Requisitions must be below $2,000, and the exception applies to traditional Requisitioner’s and those with special privilege as a result of their Procard Holder status.

FY 2015 General Fund Requisition and COR Transactions

As units begin to input FY 2015 General Fund Requisition (this only applies to goods that will be received or services performed during FY 2015), and COR transactions, please note that the accounting date field in the Billing section of the Requisition Summary screen defaults to the current date so the accounting date must be manually changed to October 1, 2014 until October 1, 2014.  Click the “edit” button to change this date.  Accordingly, for all General Fund Requisition and COR transactions that should be reflected as FY 2015 transactions, requestors must enter an accounting date of October 1, 2014 or later in the accounting date field.

A Job Aid which illustrates the process for making the aforementioned changes can be found at http://purchasing.wayne.edu/waynebuy/training.php.

Timing of Procard Transactions and Posting to Banner

The last day for making Procard purchases with a reasonable expectation of the transactions being included in FY 2014 activity is September 25, 2014.  Processing of these transactions is a matter of timing on the merchant’s part.  This is because Procard transactions are posted in Banner according to the merchant “post date” (the date the merchant actually processes the transaction).  Accordingly, there is no assurance that purchases made on or prior to September 25th will be included in FY 2014.  Likewise, purchases occurring between September 25th and 30th may or may not be recorded in FY 2014 dependent on the merchant “post date”.

Your cooperation and adherence with the established requirements and deadlines is appreciated.  Specific questions related to Requisitions should be addressed or Paula Reyes (7-3649).  CORs and Procard questions should be directed to Kenneth Doherty at 703756.  If you have questions about other aspects of this memorandum or other aspects of the fiscal close generally, please contact Tamaka Butler, Patricia Douglas, or Tony Miller at 7-3673.  A summary of Selected Key Dates and Deadlines relating to the fiscal year-end close is attached and can also be accessed on the Fiscal Operations website at the following link:  http://fisops.wayne.edu/Current-Developments-and-Events.php.


cc:        Rick Nork, Vice President Finance and Business Operations
            Tamaka Butler, Associate Controller
            Patricia Douglas, Director of Accounting
            Tony Miller, Director of Accounting
            Dennis Orr, Associate Director of Disbursements
            Gail Ryan, Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs
            Marlene Erno, Senior Director Sponsored Program Administration
            Paula Reyes, Associate Director, Purchasing
            Lyndia Oudeh, Application Project Leader, Computing & Information Technology

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