Hotel Indigo Detroit Downtown

Hotel Indigo Detroit Downtown    Updated 1-12-2024

Location Room Type Room Nght Rate Occupancy Tax Rate Room Rate w/ Tax
Detroit King Bed  $121 9%   $131.89 **
  Two Double Beds  $121 9%   $131.89 **

**  Above rates include Hotel tax only.  If the reservation is not WSU paid, above rates are subject to additional 6% sales tax.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Questions: Hotel Indigo Detroit Downtown
1.How long has your company been in business? Hotel Indigo has been in business since March 2021.
2. Does your company have a partnership with other Hotels in the area for back-up purposes?
We work with all the hotels in the Downtown area
3. Does your Hotel provide shuttle services to and from the Airport and surrounding Metro Detroit Area?
No shuttle services is available 
4. Does your Hotel offer complimentary breakfast and/or snacks?

No complimentary breakfast is available


5. Provide a list of major amenities the  Hotel has to offer: Complimentary WIFI, 2nd floor hospitality lounge, within walking distance of Downtown restaurants and shopping
6. Describe your flexibility and commitment to the University: We are very dedicated to provide quality service to all of our guests and be as flexible as possible depending on the situation.


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