Radisson Hotel Southfield

Radisson Hotel Southfield  Updated 10-02-2023

Location Room Type Room Nght Rate
Southfield One King Bed $105.93  **
  Two Double Beds $105.93  **
  King Penthouse Suite $191.53  **

**  Above rates include Hotel tax only.  If the reservation is not WSU paid, above rates are subject to additional 6% sales tax.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Questions: Radisson Hotel Southfield
1.How long has your company been in business? The Radisson Southfield opened in 2017
2. Does your company have a partnership with other Hotels in the area for back-up purposes?
Yes, Lawrence Technological University (LTU)
3. Does your Hotel provide shuttle services to and from the Airport and surrounding Metro Detroit Area? No, The Radisson Southfield does not offer this service
4. Does your Hotel offer complimentary breakfast and/or snacks? Yes, included in Room Rate. Guests also will receive a 15% Coupon of Food & Beverage for the Restaurant.
5. Provide a list of major amenities the  Hotel has to offer: The Radisson Southfield has an On-Site Restaurant “SALT+KO”, Fitness Center.
6. Describe your flexibility and commitment to the University: Radisson Training to provide “Best Practices Training.”, AAA Rating.

Additional Information on the Radisson Hotel Southfield can be found here:  https://procurement.wayne.edu/online/radisson-hotel-southfield-detroit-fact-sheet--05-2023.pdf


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