WayneBuy "Go Live"

WayneBuy arrived on Monday, June 25th!

WayneBuy is Wayne State University’s new online procurement tool, and will overlay Banner as the University’s official purchase requisitioning and expense reimbursement system.  WayneBuy is an easy to use e-procurement system to request goods and services, and was created to increase efficiencies in shopping, ordering, buying goods, and requesting reimbursements.

In order to help with the transition to WayneBuy, the following information provides an overview of the upcoming changes.

How do I access WayneBuy?

WayneBuy will be accessible on Pipeline under the Employee tab.  You can also access WayneBuy with either the following link: http://buy.wayne.edu or from the Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing (PASS) website using your Wayne State Access ID and Pipeline password.

What happens to Banner requisitioning?

Users will shop for products, create purchase orders, indicate receipt of goods and services, view supplier invoices, and request reimbursements all within WayneBuy.  Financial information related to WayneBuy transactions, for example purchase orders and payments, will be synchronized with Banner.  While the transition to WayneBuy will not cause currently authorized users to lose the ability to review transactions within Banner, WayneBuy will be the source of record for all purchasing related transactions going forward.

Will I still be able to create new requisitions in Banner?

The two systems will run in parallel for a period of 2 weeks, through Friday, July 6, 2012.  Starting Monday, July 9th, all new requests for goods and services must be initiated via a WayneBuy requisition. A job aide illustrating how to initiate a requisition in WayneBuy is available on the PASS website under the WayneBuy link.  The WayneBuy project team will be working with C&IT Security to restrict the ability of end users to initiate new requisitions from the FPAREQN screen within Banner on and after July 9th.

What happens to Banner requisitions in an incomplete status on July 9th??

Requisitioners are strongly encouraged to complete any in-process requisitions by Monday, July 9th.  Once end user access to the FPAREQN screen is removed by C&IT Security, any incomplete requisition will in inaccessible and will have to be reinitiated in WayneBuy by the requesting organization in order to be fulfilled.

What happens to Banner requisitions currently being approved?

All requisitions submitted in Banner prior to Monday, July 9th will be processed as normal, as departmental approvers will continue to have access to all approval queues within Banner.

Will I still be able to use my ProCard after July 9th?

Yes.  While the ProCard will continue to play a role in the overall purchasing process, WayneBuy is intended to be the University’s primary mechanism for obtaining goods and services.  Please note, specific commodity limit adjustments will occur as strategic sourcing agreements are negotiated.

What happens to Special Payment Authorizations (SPAs)?

WayneBuy has been configured to provide an easy to use, electronic form to capture payment requests.  The majority of special payment authorizations currently submitted via the paper SPA form will transition to WayneBuy’s online Direct Payment Request (DPR) form.  A job aide illustrating how to initiate a DPR in WayneBuy is available on the PASS website.

There are, however, subsets of unique transactions that will continue to be handled via the existing paper SPA process.  Those transactions are any payment requests utilizing balance sheet or revenue accounts and any payment requests for consolidated invoices (e.g., multi-account invoices).  Contact your department’s Business Affairs Officer with questions related to the appropriate form to utilize for your payment request.

How are requisitions routed for approval in WayneBuy?

WayneBuy has been configured to use the existing Banner approval queues for requisition approvals.  For example, a requisition submitted in WayneBuy on Monday will be routed to the same exact approval queue(s) as a requisition submitted in Banner today.

WayneBuy provides the ability for approvers to receive email notifications when there is a document awaiting their review. An approver’s profile is pre-configured to automatically send notifications to your Wayne State email address. A job aide illustrating how to manage email preferences in WayneBuy is available on the PASS website.

Will existing Banner purchase orders be available in WayneBuy?

Existing Banner purchase orders will not be replicated within WayneBuy.  Therefore, there will be a period of time where certain purchasing related tasks will have to be conducted in both the WayneBuy and Banner systems.  Processes still to be completed in Banner after the launch of WayneBuy include:

  • Completing departmental review and approval of in-process requisitions and CORs submitted in Banner prior to June 25th
  • Creating receivers for Banner purchase orders via the FPARCVD screen
  • Disbursements will continue to make payments against existing Banner purchase orders

How do I request CORs after July 9th?

All change order amendment requests will be initiated in WayneBuy, regardless if the purchase order was generated in Banner or WayneBuy.  A simple, easy to use change order request form is available within WayneBuy and only requires basic details regarding the request.  The request will be routed for departmental approval(s) via WayneBuy.  The PASS Amendment team will update the appropriate system.  A job aide illustrating how to initiate a COR in WayneBuy is available on the PASS website.

When will we hear more about the fiscal year end cutoff process?

Details related to fiscal year end processing in the new system will follow in the next 30 days.

How can I learn more about WayneBuy?

Information regarding WayneBuy is available on the PASS website.  In addition, a number of training classes will be conducted in the coming weeks.  Access Training, Seminars, and Workshops in Pipeline for additional information and dates.

Who do I reach out to for help?

The WayneBuy system has been designed to simplify the purchasing process.  Easy to use forms guide users through creating a requisition and screen specific help topics provide users with detailed information related to required steps.  In addition, a full set of job aides are available on the PASS website.  For additional assistance, contact the WayneBuy helpdesk via email at waynebuy@wayne.edu or telephone at 7-3734.

Who do I stay informed?

Please join our ListServ to receive notices related to WayneBuy or other matters related to Procurement & Strategic Sourcing.

Procurement & Strategic Sourcing